Shipping and Returns
This product is offered with Fast delivery - up to 1-2 working days. Please note if the size you selected has a Fast Order sticker.
Delivery cost is calculated automatically during the checkout process. For detailed information about our delivery policy, please click on the following link: Delivery.
All products can be returned to us in a 14-days period after the purchase. For detailed information about our return policy, please click on the following link: Returns.
- Buy or other a product from our Promo Selection to get BGN10.00 discount.
- Buy or other a product from our Promo Selection to get BGN10.00 discount.
- Buy or other a product from our Promo Selection to get free shipping.
Този продукт е от НОВАТА ни колекция и доставката може да се забави между 7 и 21 дни.
Ние не изискваме предплащане.
Може да направиш своята поръчка, сега. Тъй като знаем, че никой не обича да чака,
за търпеливите ни клиенти имаме подарък.

*Можеш да избереш своя предпочитан цвят, като го опишеш в бележка към поръчката